Sunday, December 5, 2010

Chesnuts and Fire

December, oh how I love it. As it is officially December, I have let Christmas music, Christmas decorations, and Christmas shopping swarm into my life. I live for the holiday season. It's one month of pure magic. Being away at college and living in a dorm room I can't exactly cuddle up next to the fire and read a book by the light of the Christmas tree. So, to make up for that, during the majority of my study time, I listen to

And as a wonderful introduction to the most wonderful month of the year, we experienced our first snow of the season yesterday! It started coming down at about noon, with surprisingly large flakes and impressive quantities. By 1:30 pm everything except for the roads and some of the pathways were covered in a pure blanket of white. I LOVED it. Being from Texas, I have seen snow on occasion. Last year we even had a white Christmas! (And let me say that no, this was not a pathetic white Christmas with a bit of slush on the ground and 50% of the grass still showing. This was a white Christmas where you couldn't see anything but snow. G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S.) So, i've seen snow, but it typically is slush. So this was a special treat to have powdery snow, and to even have the first snow so early and have it stick! Sadly, my afternoon and evening were spent in the top floor of the library watching the snow through the window. But all the same, it was rather nice.

Finally, I want to give you a taste of my Christmas season. Every year, my inaugural Christmas song is "Come On! Let's Boogey to the Elf Dance!" by Sufjan Stevens due to a special Christmas morning memory that it holds. It's one of those songs that just makes me undeniably happy. It's quirky but really fun. Have a listen!
"Come On! Let's Boogey to the Elf Dance!"

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